Dreams are weird.

Over the past few years I keep having these reoccurring dreams about owning too much fish tanks, stacked on top of one another. The tanks have been ignored for so long. I don’t feed the fish inside of them or pay any attention to them. In some of the tanks the fish have deformities that make me nauseous to look at them. These tanks are in my dreams too often. When I wake I feel in a state of panic because this hideous creatures have taken up space in my mind again. Why are they there? What do they mean? The longer time goes the most they grow and breed and overpopulate.

Last night the fish tanks were back, but I was staying in someone else’s house and the tanks were taking over their livingroom. There was more of them than usual and the fish were getting so big they nearly filled the tanks. For the first time in a dream I made an executive decision to deal with this thing that I considered a problem. My brother was there and I asked him for help because I was looking for a pain free method of releasing these fish from life. There deformities were too great. We started off with the smallest tank, which could be carried in two hands. He had some liquid in a bottle and he told me if he dropped it in the top of the water it would pass through each fish and they would go peacefully.

I didn’t even bother to look in the tank until it was too late. It wasn’t a tank. In fact it was a bird cage with the most beautiful little creatures flying around in it. They were once ugly deformed fish and now they were flying. A drop of the liquid hit the top perch in the cage and a bird, which I didn’t know was a bird – was sitting underneath. The liquid landing on his head and he fell to the ground. I started panicking and crying because had I known that these creatures who were deformed were growing into something else – I would have just set them free. That maybe the reason I never added water to their tanks, or fed them food was because they were going through a metamorphosis and soon would no longer require me to tend to them.

I woke up in shock because I had those fish tank dreams for so long and for the first time those fish had become something else. The most beautiful small exotic birds I have ever seen with my eyes.

Dreams are weird.

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