I’m going to show up.

I have been stuck in hiding and unsure of how I even feel. I would choose bed over anything because the cold honest truth is I feel like I am so close to the darkness that I don’t even have any words.

I spent the week at my parents house 3 hours from home and I just couldn’t manage to shake the feeling that something just destroying me from the inside out. I couldn’t find any sort of balance inside of me. I was exhausted the entire time and I thought maybe I was just in relaxation mode – but deep down I knew exactly what was happening.

Depression is creeping back in and I can see it this time. I am standing here on this dock and I have been watching the waves roll in for so long and I have been ignoring them. The truth is that I don’t really think I am ok. And now I’m still standing here on this dock but I’m watching a tsunami roll in.


But then there is another truth in that I have no idea if this is how normal people feel, because the only times I have ever felt this calm before in my life, was during the darkest times. The calm usually acts as a warning.


I don’t know who I am as a person without my addictions, or mental illness. I feel so lost in my own truth that I don’t feel like I know anything anymore. Like my entire truth has been erased and now I need to relearn it. Ever day that I further into my sobriety time I feel like I am changing but I don’t know how to even deal with it. I don’t know how to even act around people as the person I have become. I still carry around this damn label of alcoholic and addict like I’m wearing it like a badge. I know what I am not just my past so what am I having such a hard time becoming the person that I actually am?

My mind is spinning. I wish I had gone to a meeting today but I napped instead. This is a slippery slope and I can’t go back.

I’m getting up early tomorrow. I’m setting my alarm. I’m doing my hair. Putting on a face. Heading to the noon meeting. I may not understand what it is I am experiencing, but that should not stop me from seeking help from my support system. Maybe I don’t have any words to explain what I am going through, but how will I know if someone else does, if I don’t even show up?

Tomorrow I am going to show up, because for some reason I am not ok.

1 thought on “I’m going to show up.”

  1. It’s ok to not always be ok and not have a good reason why… we are humans having a human experience, and that experience is the gift of ‘feeling’, the Good, bad and ugly. Be gentle with yourself, you are still in the process of unthawing and unbecoming everything life took years to become of you ❤


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