Winter blues.

My mom knows me so well, that everytime she says anything in the form of advice I should listen to her immediately.

Like how yesterday on the phone she reminded me to use the light therapy box I have, because it was that season again. Not even that it’s this season, but also that living in a basement suite makes life feel dark all the time now.

I had my appointment with my academic advisor and she was very impressed with how organized I was to get all my ducks in a row for entry into the degree program. It’s a good thing I went and saw her though because there is nine extra classes I need to take to complete my degree. It didn’t show specifics on the degree sheet, so I had no idea. I was frustrated at first because I didn’t want to take more courses, but then I got to looking at what I can take. Everything from figure drawing, to criminal justice. 9 classes of my own desires as long as they fall under arts and science. This umbrella is huge and now I’m even more excited about school.

I got two more A- marks, one was on an in class assignment which technically was a midterm. I’m just waiting for one midterm mark back, but so far I’m still a straight A student. I’m starting to get used to the feeling of success. I feel good about the way my life is going. 

But… I’m still in bed. 

I’m sitting here in the dark, because my body is saying that’s what I need. I know this is a lie. I don’t need to hide in the dark.

I have too much homework to do, I need to get up. I feel the winter blues coming.

I think I need a meeting.

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