Reframing my world.

Today I am reframing my world. When I wake up generally my first thought would be do I have anything to do today? Followed by do I have more time to sleep? How much more sleep can I fit in? Can my hair go one more day before washing? Do I really need to eat breakfast?  If I have plans for the morning, then an alarm will go off for that. If it’s a hair straightening day then an alarm will go off for that too. Everything I do is scheduled into my calender, and into my phone alarms.

Except for today. Nothing is scheduled for my day, up until 4:00. So when I wake up today I reframed my mind. Everything that my brain was trying to tell me, I did the opposite of. I wanted to stay in bed. So I got up. I wanted to be lazy and just make my protein shake, even though I knew a fresh juice would be better. So I juiced my breakfast. I spent a bit of time in front of the mirror checking to see if my hair was too greasy to make it one more day. I really fought myself on this one. I hate the hassle of blow-drying and straightening. But then I ran a bath. I looked and felt the hair on my legs twice. Before coming to the conclusion I didn’t need to shave. When I actually do. I don’t want to do it today. But now that the bath is run, I might as well kill two birds with one stone.
I even thought about waiting to take my meds until later. So that I didn’t have to start my day until later. My brain is crazy. My best ideas got me drinking and using and that cycle is just constantly on repeat in my head. I think that I should listen to what my brain is telling me, because I should know what’s best for it. But it’s bull. I am constantly trying to cut corners to make things easier. And softer. 

I hate hassle. But when I finally go through the hassle that I am constantly trying to avoid, I find myself each and every single time – much happier as a result.

This are just the basic building blocks to my day, but they absolutely matter. Because the attitude I come into the day with is the exact same attitude I will leave the day with.

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