Thank you.

These feelings that I feel are normal. I am not alone. Though they seem to often be enhanced because I am talking about them. I am writing about them. I am putting them out there for everyone to read.

Often I have people messaging me thanking me for writing. For my honestly. For telling my story and being brave while doing it. Thing is, this story needs to be told. I need to be honest. I need to write this down and put it out there, not just for me. But also for you. 

I feel alone until I press publish on the top right corner of this page. Because once this is out of my hands, once this is viewable by other people – it becomes our journey.

I don’t have to feel alone ever again so long as I continue to write. So long as I have an audience to connect with, on a deeper level than just liking my Instagram pictures and thinking my cat is super cute. Which she totally is. This connection goes beyond any soul sucking social media outlet.

Because when I write and you read it, its like a silent head nod between the two of us.

Thank you for being a part of my audience and being a part of our journey.

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