The darkness.

Nobody wants to hear about the dark days. Nobody wants to talk about it. People want to brush these things under the rug. Don’t talk about it because it’s too depressing. People will worry.

Well I am going to talk about it. Because this darkness is taking me down with it. I can’t watch tv, because it doesn’t interest me. This is the laziest thing I can do right now and I can’t even. I’m sitting on my bedroom floor in front of my daylight lamp. I’m trying to brighten whatever is happening inside of me. It’s so dark in here.

I mean in my mind. I have so much stuff I should be doing for school, and yet here I am feeling paralyzed. I’m not just feeling paralyzed it’s actually as though I really am.

It’s so fucking dark in here and I am at such a low that it feels like I will never see the light. But nobody wants to hear about that, because it’s depressing. Because it’s something that we always push under the rug.

Put the darkness in the closet, it will go away at some point. 

We hope.

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